What can EVOO and protein do for women?

What can EVOO and protein do for women?

Businesses built by women, which support women. Our founder Sarah sits down with LØUCO co-founder, Jo. 

Dr Jo Mennie is a woman’s health doctor with over 15 years experience in medicine and research. We met Jo during our business accelerator programme and were thrilled to have the opportunity to pick her brains on women’s health, particularly around her knowledge of EVOO and its benefits. Plus, we got to hear more about her new business, LØUCO—the only protein powder approved for pregnancy— which is redefining the supplement industry for women, backed by real science.

Together we discuss fat and protein, and how EVOO can be particularly beneficial to women at all stages of life. We’ll also get into the challenges of running a sustainable business, brand deception in both the nutritional supplement and olive oil spaces, and how our businesses are grounded in supporting women, whether on the farm or in the fitness industry. 

Sarah: We know that EVOO has many proven health benefits but, as an expert, we want to ask you which of these specifically relate to women’s health?

Jo: The benefits to women are profound. EVOO contains healthy monounsaturated fats which help regulate our hormonal balance. That's important for women through all life stages from menopause, fertility, pregnancy, right the way through to perimenopause and post menopause. EVOO’s antioxidant properties can help reduce that inflammation in the body which is really important for conditions like endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and relieving menstrual pains.

EVOO rich diets also help improve insulin sensitivity, which is a factor in PCOS.During the post-menopause stage of life, women are at higher risk of heart disease, so consuming foods which are good for heart health becomes even more prescient. More generally, women often feel depleted throughout the day and EVOO can help with energy regulation. Finally, we know that women are more prone to osteoporosis and EVOO contributes towards better bone health by improving calcium absorption. 

Sarah: So that’s EVOO! Your brand, LØUCO, focuses on protein. Can you tell us more about it? 

Jo: Protein is crucial for metabolism and helping to stabilise our energy levels. Research shows that women need protein within an hour of exercise. When they don’t, your body starts using your muscle reserves as a source of energy and you’ll then feel fatigued later in the day. 

At LØUCO we wanted to create protein blends that are as close to whole foods as possible while respecting female physiology, promoting hormonal balance and gut health. Sourcing is at the heart of what we do: everything that goes into our blends is organic plant based protein and we don’t add any sweeteners or emulsifiers which are commonly found in nutritional supplements and can impact our hormonal, metabolic and reproductive health. 

Because we are minimally processed, we have a high fibre content too: many others on the market strip this out via ultra-processing which has a huge impact on gut health and your ability to absorb the nutrients. 

I started this business out of frustration with the industry. As a woman’s health doctor, I saw brands on the market using ultra processed hormone disrupting protein sources—like pea and soy while marketing it to women based on body image insecurities rather than holistic wellness. The space is dominated by male centred ‘post-gym’ products, rather than offering women something that suits their physiology. At LØUCO, we wanted to create something that was actually made for women, respecting hormonal health and gut health. 

One of our goals is to really try and raise the standards of this industry in terms of transparency, education and health claims. Much like you do with EVOO! For LØUCO followers, who might be new to EVOO - can you tell us what it is, and what it isn’t? 

Sarah: Sure. Extra virgin olive oil is 100% fresh juice from olives, extracted without heat or chemicals. Then we have refined oils, where heat, chemicals and solvents come into play. It’s the difference between a fresh-pressed orange juice and a fizzy orange soda. 

Jo: I love that analogy! I get it straight away. At Citizens of Soil you talk a lot about regenerative farming–does that impact flavour or is that more of an environmental decision? 

Sarah: When I first got into this space, I was looking at it purely from an environmental perspective. I wanted to preserve the land, which is being degraded in many areas. Regenerative agriculture can help mitigate a lot of the problems we see from flooding and drought, and it also helps to build up nutrient-rich soil. This helps the trees—and the olives—thrive. We say here that ‘healthy soils make healthy oils’. 

Just like we see with wine when we talk about terroir: even if I am harvesting from the exact same trees, the flavour is going to be different. Unlike wine though, EVOO is not something that gets better with age, so we're always telling people to go through that oil!

Jo: What are some of the current problems in the olive oil space? 

Sarah: The climate crisis is on the doorstep of the Mediterranean, but it’s also affecting other olive oil producing regions like South America, Australia, and even the US. It makes the commodity prices go crazy, because big chunks of supply get knocked off the map.  

Deception is another huge issue. There are tight EU regulations around EVOO but clever wording, packaging, and marketing can still confuse customers. Some brands are also making health claims that are not backed up because they are not showing you a lab report or the polyphenol count, or when it was harvested—all things that really matter when it comes to nutritional value. Yes, EVOO can help you maintain a healthy weight, and can contribute to hair, skin, and nail health; they’ve been using it like that in the Mediterranean for centuries. But to say your particular oil does that without showing lab proof or some kind of third-party certification, that’s a big problem. 

Jo: Totally. All of that is linked to traceability and transparency. You showcase your farmers, across your platform and many of them are female…

Sarah: Yes. It’s very important to us to honour these people; they have such beautiful stories. There is no dignity in these commodity supply chains: they are squeezing the farmer’s margins and cutting corners. 

Our first farm partner was a woman and I was very aware of the gender inequalities in agriculture. We would come across men who, for several generations, had just been learning from their fathers. Whereas women, often being more isolated in their communities as the only female farmer—with a lack of confidence as a result—went above and beyond to educate themselves on making olive oil. They were coming in with a lot of really thoughtful ideas around sustainability and were more fired up about the nutrition side because it’s the way they were also consuming it as women. So we like to spotlight and champion those women. 

Jo: How would you educate people on incorporating high quality EVOO into their daily routine?

Sarah: Well the beautiful thing about a good olive oil is that it tastes delicious! We try to encourage simple, Mediterranean-style eating: just a few quality ingredients. As a busy entrepreneur, I have a little competition with myself every night on how quickly I can make dinner. Legumes, greens, olive oil, garlic…something really simple, beautiful, and nourishing. 

Jo: Many women entrepreneurs talk about balancing purpose with profitability. How do you navigate that balance, especially in a sustainably-focused industry, with potential supply chain issues?

Sarah: If you’re a female entrepreneur, and you're going to take funding, you need to take it from investors who understand your mission. I’m not going to make cheap decisions: I’m going to lose profit because I’m going to pay farmers more. I’m making more expensive packaging decisions because they are more sustainable. Ultimately, that pays dividends in the community, that pays dividends back to the farmers. Having everyone aligned on that is key. 

There are businesses who have done this successfully, with a triple bottom line of people, planet and profit. You just have to make it a part of how you operate, especially as you grow because it will only get more difficult. Make it a part of your brand, publicly state your values. That’s where I think things like B Corp and impact reports are really helpful.

To help you experience the benefits of protein for your health, our community have an exclusive 15% discount at louco.co with the code COSLOUCO15. Valid until 28/02/25. 

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