Unlock the health benefits of extra virgin olive oil.

The nutrition guide for liquid gold.

What's so healthy about extra virgin olive oil? And why is it better than other oils? Let's dig into its antioxidants, vitamins, and why science is still uncovering more benefits of this ancient staple.

If I did believe in ‘superfoods’ olive oil would be one of them.


What is extra virgin olive oil and is it really that healthy?

The cornerstone of the celebrated Mediterranean diet, extra virgin olive oil is essentially the fresh juice of the olive fruit. By law, it must be produced without heat or chemicals—which is what separates it from all the other edible oils. Here, the magic of what remains—the polyphenols—comes into the picture.

Crete Single Estate Extra Virgin Olive Oil - Citizens of Soil

What are polyphenols and why are they special?

Polyphenols are organic compounds found in plants that act as antioxidants. In the case of olives, there's a whole menu of them, some quite powerful and only found in this particular fruit. The most exciting, oleocanthol and hydroxytyrosol, give you that tingle (or burn) on the back of your throat when you taste it. And specifically these give way to some powerful effects on the body...

It's important to note that only "extra virgin" or "virgin" oils contain natural polyphenols, as they are stripped out of any "regular" or "refined" oils in the processing.

What are the common health benefits of extra virgin olive oil?

Fights inflammation

Chock full of antioxidants, with anti-inflammatory properties that work like ibuprofen.

Lowers insulin & blood glucose

By reducing the glycemic index of meals and improving insulin resistance.

Supports brain & gut health

Reduces risk of Alzheimer's and dementia, while supporting the gut microbiota.

Decreases chloesterol

It's shown to lower "bad" LDL cholesterol and increases "good" HDL.

But what about heating extra virgin olive oil?

While heat will reduce the total polyphenols, cooking with EVOO isn’t just an age-old practice; it’s supported by science. The high monounsaturated fats are stable and unflappable, which makes it more stable than other frying options when heated. Most of your home cooking happens around  200°C, which is within the smoke point of a decent extra virgin olive oil. 

In short, it’s not only fine but a healthier option—though if you’re in for the straight polyphenols, then you’ll pour it fresh over your food instead of using it as a prep ingredient.

FAQs about EVOO

Helping our community feel better...

"I take a tablespoon a day like a supplement and the taste profile is SUPERB!"


“Love this oil, it's great to drizzle on cereals in the mornings and I love the health benefits it brings.”

Nigel T.

"The taste is amazing when mixed with food and knowing that we were eating something with good polyphenols and good quality was just icing on the cake."

lish J.

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